Friday, March 9, 2012

How I started as a Graphic Desinger

I remember when I first started working as a graphic designer. It was 2009 and I had no idea where to begin. Hi, my name is Nico Dela Cruz and I create graphics.

I am not schooled. I never saw myself in a big school, learning things in books, but rather I enjoy learning by observing other peoples work and applying it in my own way. But one thing I would change now is to have a very solid education to gain a little confidence in what I do. Sometimes I see some of my friends that are really creative with good background that let them freely do the things they want. I felt limited and uninspired. But then I told myself to never feel down, just look ahead and love whatever it is that I'm doing.

I remember the first time I started using Adobe. I learned how to do some effects just to playing around with images. And everybody liked it. Then I started getting some requests from my friends and relatives to make their photo look better. Sometimes I vector their photo as a present. Then I started making simple prints for Yfc community, also did some wedding projects. And after those years of dabbling around, I took photography as a hobby with some of my friends that was in to it then. They taught me how to shoot and I taught them how to enhance photos. And from then on I knew that I wanted to do this, for I enjoyed it allot and I somehow felt creative to the extent that I was addicted to it. It felt great to create. This is really fun.

In 2009 I started creating layouts for print ad designs. 

In 2010 more logo and web projects.

I worked hard and taught myself. Today you can watch tutorials of people that are willing and had dedicated themselves to sharing their knowledge to the web. And I'm still learning everyday.

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